Christmas Central Blog


5 Reasons Why Winter is the Best Season

Aug 22nd 2022

Spring, summer, fall or winter - most people have a favorite time of year. While there’s something to love about every season, can you really single out one as the best? We’re casting our vote for winter. Once you read our top reasons why winter is so special, you may agree! Snow DaysDo you remember how excited you were to get out in the snow when you were a kid? You don’t need a day off from sch … read more
5 Reasons Why Winter is the Best Season

7 Steps to Closing Your Pool for the Winter

Sep 26th 2017

It looks like it’s time to close up your pool for the winter. Closing your pool up may seem like a time consuming & difficult task, but it doesn’t have to be. Follow our efficient guide to have your pool winterized in just a few steps.Prepare Your Supplies Before you begin closing your pool, it’s important to have all of the supplies you'll need readily available. Be sure you have the fol … read more
7 Steps to Closing Your Pool for the Winter