This enchanting piece features a heartwarming scene: a jovial snowman at its center, flanked by an adorable ensemble of dogs, cats, and a cheerful bird perched on his stick arm. The snowman comes to life with delicate embroidery, capturing every detail of his festive scarf and hat adorned with intricate blue metallic stitching. Let this charming table runner bring the spirit of togetherness and merriment to your holiday dinner gatherings.
Product Features:
Snowman Christmas table runner
Accented with an embroidered snowman surrounded by dogs, cats, and a bird
The snowman's hat and scarf are accented with blue metallic stitching
Welted seam and embroidered finish
The perfect decorative accent for pet lovers
For indoor use only
Dimensions: 70" long x 15" wide
Material(s): polyester
Product Features:
Snowman Christmas table runner
Accented with an embroidered snowman surrounded by dogs, cats, and a bird
The snowman's hat and scarf are accented with blue metallic stitching
Welted seam and embroidered finish
The perfect decorative accent for pet lovers
For indoor use only
Dimensions: 70" long x 15" wide
Material(s): polyester
Product Specifications
Weight | Width | Height | Depth | Assembly Requirements |
2.50 LBS | 15.00" | 0.25" | 70.00" | No assembly required |