Another outdoor protective gear and accessories that anyone should have. Whenever your out for an adventure there's no way you will be leaving without an outdoor grill! Check this essential outdoor, camping, or hunting basic that you should test before leaving, get its valve regulator checked.
Gas grill valve regulator
Easy to install
Panel knob that you just need to turn and push
A must-have for outdoor grills
Dimensions: 2"H x 3"W X 4"L
Material(s): synthetic
Gas grill valve regulator
Easy to install
Panel knob that you just need to turn and push
A must-have for outdoor grills
Dimensions: 2"H x 3"W X 4"L
Material(s): synthetic
Product Specifications
Weight | Width | Height | Depth | Assembly Requirements |
0.50 LBS | 3.00" | 2.00" | 4.00" | No assembly required |